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Your Complete Source for Dewatering Equipment

Kanawha Falls, WV

Engineer: E.L. Robinson Engineering
Products: (1) Partial Press Rebuild, L2.1, 10” Reversing Shaftless Screw Conveyor
West Virginia

Kingwood, WV

Engineer: City of Kingwood
Material: Aerobic
Products: TP12.4
West Virginia

Logan County, WV

Engineer: Haworth, Meyer, & Boleyn, Inc.
Material: WAS
Products: BP12.63 (BP6000), RM 240 (Lime Post Treatment), LFS 600 (Lime Feed System), L-2 (Polymer System), Screw Conveyor
West Virginia

Marmet, WV

Engineer: Ghosh Engineers, Inc.
Products: TP12.41 (Tower Press), L2 (Polymer System), BP (Booster Pump), AC (Air Compressor), CP (Control Panel)
West Virginia

Mason County, WV

Engineer: Cerrone Associates, Inc.
Products: TP07.4 304 S.S., L2.10 (Polymer System), Belt Conveyor, BP, AC, CP, CP, SFP, Flow Meter, Sludge Retention
West Virginia

Mason, WV

Engineer: Dunn Engineers
Products: TP07.4 (Tower Press), L-1 (Polymer System), Slider Conveyor
West Virginia

McMechen, WV

Engineer: Green International
Material: Anaerobic. Digested
Products: BFP 9.3, RM 240, RDIII
West Virginia

Montgomery, WV

Engineer: Terradon Corporation
Products: TP12.43 (Tower Press), LFS600 (Lime Feed System), RM240 (Lime Post Treatment), L2 (Polymer System), AC (Air Compressor), SP (Sludge Feed Pump), CP (Control Panel)
West Virginia

Mount Hope, WV

Engineer: Pentree Inc.
Products: BP12.61, LFS1200, RD3, AC, BP, CP, SP
West Virginia

Mullens, WV

Engineer: Wollpert LLP
Material: Anaerobic
Products: TP07.4 (Tower Press), RM 240 (Lime Post Treatment), LFS 600 (Lime Feed System), L-1 (Polymer System)
West Virginia